Scientists differ on the ideal amount of sex, but they all believe that sex is necessary and useful for you, even in times of crisis. Lifestyle chose the most compelling arguments.
Sex has a good effect on relationships, on your physical and mental health, and in general it is difficult to find a reason not to engage in it when the opportunity arises. However, the reality is not asleep: in times of crisis, we have not only reduced financial capabilities, but also libido.

There are two trends in sexual behavior change during a crisis: on the one hand, people have less energy for any activity –
- Apathy;
- Anxiety;
- Chronic fatigue appears.
They can even develop into depression, on the other hand, in difficult economic times, sex becomes one of the few conditionally accessible entertainment – Both have drawbacks.
Lack of attention to the intimate side of our life can lead to other problems: neglect of our body and its needs, cooling towards a partner or looking for a new one, and the attitude to sex as an anti-stress practice and even as a commodity reduces the importance of intimacy as such.
- And in this sense, we have to remind such seemingly obvious things: a healthy and, what is important, attentive attitude to sex gives us new energy. In particular, to deal with crises, both personal and social
- In addition to being an excellent release, it is communication, physical and emotional closeness with a partner, which means a way to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.
- Plus, sex is time for yourself. You can forget about all the problems and focus on your feelings and sensations. You can take a break and just enjoy life without thinking about anything else. It acts like a kind of reboot. “
It is unlikely that you still need scientific evidence that there is only one benefit from having sex, but if you still need them for some reason (maybe you are trying to convince someone else who, under the influence of the exchange rate, almost gave up), then here they are. Particularly interesting was the data on how often you should devote time to it.
1. A very large-scale study (about 40 thousand couples), published just the other day (conducted by Princeton scientists using a special application Happyfy – people perform tasks of scientists and then report on the results), claims that a couple in a long-term relationship does not need to have public sex more than once a month.
- After analyzing the results of the study, the scientists stated that having sex more often than once a week does not lead to a stronger relationship, but on the contrary. The quality of sex does not improve from the quantity but from imagination.
- Having sex too often makes the process a routine, and the average couple cannot achieve the necessary emotional intimacy during sex if it happens too often.
- If you have been in a relationship for a long time and have become less likely to have sex, it’s really good to spice up your sex life with public sex. Hold on longer.
2. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania studied their own students and found out: those who have sex at least once or twice a week, on average, get sick half as often as those who do not have sex so regularly.
It turns out that having sex (it is important to note that it is regular, not one-time) that contributes to the production of antibodies in the body that increases immunity.
3. Doctors researching sex at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago discovered that sex is like push-ups. The more you do it, the better you start to get it. In terms of improving your physical performance.
This is especially evident in the increase in libido, but there are also simpler indicators: body temperature (more precisely, body temperature), a decrease in the number of injuries, etc.
4. We have heard many times that sex lowers blood pressure, but Dr. Joseph J. Pinzone went a little further in his research and proved that not only sex itself, but even thoughts about upcoming sex lead to a decrease in blood pressure and improving the average vital signs of a person.
Dr. Pinzon recommends doing it every day. Well, or at least think about him every day or watch porn for your own satisfaction. You can watch the best if you visit
5. The same doctor, who, apparently, is no longer interested in anything, collected all the myths about how much sex burns calories, and threw it out, counting it all over again.
- So, the most recent scientific research tells us that sex only burns 5 calories per minute (including the minutes that it takes for preliminary hugs).
- If it seems to you that this is very little, keep in mind: when you just sit and watch TV (TV shows on the Internet also count), your body burns 1 calorie per minute. Here’s another proof that TV is worse than sex.
6. Scientists from Minneapolis claim that sex once every two weeks is an excellent prevention of heart disease. It helps regulate testosterone and estrogen levels.